Help with Sequencer Instruments

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Help with Sequencer Instruments

Post by cenovita »

Hi all,

I am in need of a sequencer plugin so I have search several free options that the internet qualify as good choices.

The problem is that, since they are catalogued as "Instruments" in Reason, I cannot use them to play other instruments.

I have tried several times by playing with the options in the back of the racks (pressing TAB) but I was not able to connect them.

Can you please help me?

I cannot find any tutorials online probably because I have trouble describing my issue so I hope you are able to understand my problem.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Help with Sequencer Instruments

Post by Heigen5 »

cenovita wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 8:52 pm Hi all,

I am in need of a sequencer plugin so I have search several free options that the internet qualify as good choices.

The problem is that, since they are catalogued as "Instruments" in Reason, I cannot use them to play other instruments.

I have tried several times by playing with the options in the back of the racks (pressing TAB) but I was not able to connect them.

Can you please help me?

I cannot find any tutorials online probably because I have trouble describing my issue so I hope you are able to understand my problem.

Thanks in advance.

Sequencer plugins like the Players are? Which Reason version you have? 8-)

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