My Combi2 Suggestions

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My Combi2 Suggestions

Post by Heigen5 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:03 pm

I'd like these few combi2 suggestions to be implemented:

1) 10 Sub-patch buttons top of the combi2 panel, that can take 'snapshots' by right clicking on the sub-patch button and then press "Take a snapshot". This would allow to store sub-settings per a combi-patch, without a need to newly reload all the devices, that are inside the combi. Those sub-patches buttons that are already used, would be marked with some kind of a symbol then.

2) Visual mini-screen to show LFO-curves or other info. As example, in the stepped knob's case - I'd like every step to show a different pic in that screen. Handy to show LFO-curves as example. We should be able to upload pics for that screen. Also hoovering on the top of the knobs, buttons and faders, could show some info in the screen too.

3) Tabs switcher to show secondary panels, so we can build combi2s to have some of the knobs on the different tabs/panels.

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