The patches usually need a bit tweaking

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The patches usually need a bit tweaking

Post by Heigen5 » Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:08 pm


Ok, as a sound-designer I've created thousands of patches and also have gazillion of patches created by the others.

When you explore & try out patches, you should be aware that in most cases, you might need to tweak these a bit, as basically taken, all the patches are like models, that need a bit adjusting, to make them work in a mix.
If you're lucky, you don't need to tweak, but usually most patches require a bit of work, as sound-designers, who created these sounds, can't always pre-know your situation, when you produce.

Sometimes you need to adjust the envelopes (ADSR) and nothing else. Like when some pad, as example over-powers the sustain or there's too long attack. Sometimes you want a bit less resolution for the filters or a tad less reverb etc.
Anyway, in a nutshell, it is impossible to know from the sound-designers angle, that how everybody uses the patches. It really depends on the rest of the sounds and sequences, in the mix.

You just need to listen to the sounds and then do the tweaks based on what you hear and where it seems to lack.
Most potential patches might have that model hat on, so sometimes you need to take it off or change the color or whatever it needs.

That's all!

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Re: The patches usually need a bit tweaking

Post by Hennesmann » Thu May 02, 2019 11:45 am

Yes this is something to keep in mind when browsing. Think about envelopes BOTH amp and filter. If you need a stab bass and find a sweet long bass, then try it and tweak its envelopes, for example.

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Re: The patches usually need a bit tweaking

Post by Paralytik » Sat May 04, 2019 11:25 pm

I almost exclusively make patches from scratch, but sometimes it's nice to try out some presets and tweak them when needed.

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